Movie (1995)
Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
In Collection
136 mins

Kevin Costner Mariner
Dennis Hopper Deacon
Michael Jeter Old Gregor
Tina Majorino Enola
Jeanne Tripplehorn Helen

Director Kevin Costner
Kevin Reynolds
Producer John Davis
Kevin Costner
Writer Peter Rader
David Twohy
Cinematography Dean Semler
Scott Fuller
Musician James Newton Howard

Hailed as Kevin Costner's SciFi version of "Heaven's Gate," Waterworld takes place in a future where no-known land exists because the polar ice caps have melted - drowning the world and killing off most of humanity. Now the beraggled remanents of humanity live on floating islands of scavanged wood and dirt is a commodity more precious than gold. Now in one floating wood island, a child has been discovered with a tatoo on his back that is a map leading to the only remaining land above the water. It quickly becomes a race between the good and bad guys as to who will grab the kid and take posession of the only Terra Firma left in the future.

Edition Details
Country USA
Language English
Region Region 1
No. of Disks/Tapes 1